By the way, I meant to say.
I've been doing a bit of running. Not much but I'm trying.
Life has been getting in the way a bit.
What with galavanting round Embra Toon with the Royal couple and the usual suspects for Festive Fun. Galavanting off to see the Pogues with my fella and chairing my first Striders AGM as El Presidente there hasn't been too much time for plodding round the town.
This week I've had two cracking plods.
Monday saw me trot out with Anne, me team mate from the Calley and Dot, founder member of Strathaven Striders and keeper of the Kingshouse checkpoint.
They had costumes to deliver, so it was never going to be far or fast. We ran the 'loops'- any one from Strathaven will be very familiar with the loops- and stopped at the first gaff. Only a pit stop with Prof & Mrs Rice then on to the main event.
Irene Wilson cried off running tonight, citing too much marking as an excuse. She politely invited us in and offered a refreshment for our trouble.
Tea, coffee, WINE??? my eyes lit up. But we are running.
Aucht well give me a large glass o red and one o those smashing mince pies. Job Done.
Tonight was the infamous Wednesday night coached session. Groans all round. We know its good for us but it stings.
Former El Presidente, (cant be named for legal reasons) scared me witless tonight. We were chatting as you do while waiting on the group to reform when there was some discussion regarding 'continental quilts'. Now this made me smile as its one of those phrases that you don't hear much any more, and it fitted in nicely with the retro theme on my FB this week. Rubik's cubes, Mr. Frosty, Al a carte kitchens etc. His Mrs and I had a giggle. He recons we're posh coz we call them duvets :)
Anyway...... he told us of a burd in his work who's being taken to court over a blog she kept over a three year period where in amongst chatter about cutting hedges was all the salaries of all the big wigs in the company!!! wtf I don't know the detail, but seems like she's looking at a stretch in the clink.
Now I have rarely blogged anything inflammatory or slanderous and don't think I could be taken to court over it but you never know.
Big Brother is Watching.
Hasta la vista
Mrs Mac x
Time for a reset
3 weeks ago