It was nearly two weeks ago and I guess most folk have already told their story, and much more eloquently than I will but this story needs to be told.
DNF??? who gives a flying foxtrot what its called. There are not many eejits out there who could complete 75 miles on the back of two 20 mile training runs. Just because you don't reach the end doesn't mean you've failed. 75 miles is a fuckin major achievement in my book. Some people need to learn it's ok to be proud of yourself.
I was bricking it big time. From a good few weeks before the race. I'm a planner I like to know about order, schedules blah blah blah. I know, I know all very boring but it's what makes me tick.
But when your runner; a particularly laid back pirate type subversive runner couldn't give two hoots about planning, it tends to give one the jitters!!
I waited with baited breath for Ali B's words of wisdom, and nuggets of pure gold they were too. Crackers like -
1.Accept that if anything goes wrong during the race it's always your fault.
Nuggets stored are ready for recall at a moments notice. I received some fantastic advice from an unexpected source. Real proper serious advice. No messin around jokey nonsence. Maya Lucas is a total legend very professional and maybe if I'd employed just one of her techniques we could have inched our pirate runner just that little bit further.
I wasn't on my own, obviously.?!? that's not allowed, against the rules, and there is no way I'd be involved in any manipulation of the law. No, there was me, the other Lee and big Chris.
My biggest worry was the chaps are used to a jolly boys weekend away with their mucker's from other fire-stations and generally cajagole some other firemen up the WHW. This year they would be stuck with a miserable old bint and their mates burd to boot for 36 hours straight. Sounds like a barrel load of fun, right?
I needn't have worried. They seemed to enjoy themselves. At least some of the time. Mainly around the time that Wee Hannah's home-made fruit scones got handed round.
I'll not bore you with the tedium of a blow by blow account of our weekend. But here are some admissions and highlights.
I packed a couple of tents and doss bags 'just in case' and didn't tell the Pirate in case he thought I didn't believe in him.
I fell asleep at Bridge of Orchy after a nice plate of stew and had to be woken up by my runner.
I was gutted I didn't get the chance to go over the Devils, and felt I had let him down by not getting my shoes on earlier.
After the prize giving I brought Fiona Rennie out to the car even though he didn't want to talk to anyone.
So that's it. WHWR 2010. Not a completion but most definitely not a failure.
Will I be back? Well that depends on my runner.
Time for a reset
3 weeks ago
Hi Mrs. Mac,
You are right...75 miles is a long way and something to be proud of! Everytime I saw your runner he was looking strong and I just assumed he was miles ahead of me. Sorry we didn't see either of you post-race. The party was fun!
Cheers! Carolyn
I was so disappointed for the pirate when I heard he’d called it a day, I thought he looked fine at Glencoe, after we’d gone over the Devil, we looked back and saw a yellow top behind us and I thought it was him. He did bloody brilliantly with bugger all training, I doubt anyone else would get as far! Next year I’ll give you the t-shirt, you can wear it on the Devil shoutin’ “just follow the instructions!” Take care Fiona x
Great story, this is very interesting. keep up the good post.
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