This is the post that should have appeared two days ago.
Its been a weekend of firsts for me.
My first ever vineyard visit. My first ever Lego house visit. My first ever attempt you use mobile broadband. And my first ever KFC!!!
I say attempt, as this was not entirely a successful exercise. It was sold to me as a super dooper wee gadgety gizmo type thingumyjig that would work ‘perfectly well’ on the Virgin pendelino for our journey South. A very frustrating four and a half hours later and I was ready for lobbing the blasted thing out the dammed window. I’m on the journey back to Gods country and I’m ready for a repeat performance. This is one gadget that does not do what it says on the tin. I think I may be off to visit a well known chain of computer store tomorrow.
I’m glad to say the visit to KFC was a greater success. The Pirate decided that the time had come for me to sample the delicacy that rendered him incapable of completing the WHWR 2008. I must admit I had a brief thought of why he was so keen to expose me to such potentially lethal chicken based fast food. I have read stories of blokes bumping of their loved ones in strange circumstances. But KFC, Surely not?
For lunch I dined on a boneless banquet with a side order of corn. I'm such a newbie I had no idea what to order and left it to the far more experienced KFC connoisseur Mr Subversive Pirate himself to choose for me. I am pleased to report this was an excellent choice. the chicken was succulent and tasty. the fries were crisp and by no means limp like other fast food outlets. And the corn was some of the best I've tasted anywhere. Sweet, juicy nibblets of golden loveliness.
If i were to develop a taste for fast food, then this would be it. How glad am I that there aint one to be had in a ten mile radius of Sunny Strathaven.
My tentative return to running is still tentative. I managed three wee runs as per Tomo’s prescription. The long one alas fell foul to my regular visit to Englandshire and a date with four weans and a Harry Potter movie. Cracking film, defo recommend it if you’ve not seen it. It was SO good I managed to stay awake through the WHOLE thing, and its more than two and a half hours long!!
So, undeterred I will crack on with the plan. Three wee runs followed by one longer one. I plan to go for broke next weekend and aim for 6 or 7 on the RAW on Saturday. My delusions of grandeur have faded fast and reality has hit home. A wee trot on an important day followed by some dinner and a wee drinky sounds much more achievable.
On another note. My friend, fellow serial marshal and wag Princess Geraldinio sent me an interesting item by email today. I think it is highly likely I may invest in one before our next big event. Check it out here.
So as I travel north on a train full of women drinking red wine and eating platters of St Michael sandwiches spare a thought for me and my quest for uninterrupted internet connection. Any thing is possible.
Mrs Mac x
So, it all becomes clear, cryptic non existent blog posts etc. I should add that as I tried to save this bloomin post on the weans new fanggled wee laptop me-doofer it wouldn't cut and paste in to blogger. When i managed to retype the WHOLE thing on my laptop it decided to reboot and I lost the lot!! I am a Luddite.
it took a step for a hint from the bloody Pirate to get me going. I'll never live it down.
I was thinking. I wonder how many folk know exactly why he's called the Pirate? mmmm I wonder?
Time for a reset
3 weeks ago
The Colonel is the MAN! You gotta try a Zinger burger yet.xx
Boozy boobs is the way forward
I'm buying one of those for next year's music festivals... it'll either mean I don't have to queue for the bar... or, if I do, that the crowd will 'miraculously' part for me... for some reason!
fantastic invention! :-)
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