It’s the back of three in the afternoon. I’m at my desk at work. The Pirate has been collected from Glesga Toon and deposited at my gaff to ‘write a report’ aye right, like that’s gonna happen.
When I left to return to work you could almost see the giant ZZZzzzzzz emanating from his body. Well it’s been a long journey for the boy and he’s got a big race tomorrow.
I have had the pleasure of organising a wee soirée for after the River Ayr Way challenge tomorrow. Shame that a few familiar faces will be absent but looking forward to catching up with a fair few family members. Not sure what the race organisers will make of us all. I hope their illusions aren’t shattered when they discover that ultra runners can fair put the drink away and eat like its going out of fashion. Should be a giggle. And the weather wow what a change. The ground should still be soft underfoot, but the flood waters should have abated.
I have heard a quite a lot of ‘I’ve not done much’ or ‘I’m just taking it easy’ but the best I heard was a conversation between Rosie Bell and Irene Wilson.
Rosie, do you fancy a girls day out?
Eh, ok. What do you have in mind Irene?
Well how about doing 44 miles, nice and easy. We’ll take a packed lunch!!
Yep, I’m up for that. Is there a blue WKD in it for me?
Of course Lee’s doing back up. We can stop for wine anytime you like :-)
Pretty much the theme for the day.
A bunch of mates out of a wee run together. I’m really looking forward to it. Dino and I have the support cars sussed out. Better than last year at any rate.
See you tomorrow if you’re around. If not stand by for a report on the lassie with a folded bit of paper in her back pocket and a wummin wi chains roon her neck.
Mrs Mac x
Time for a reset
3 weeks ago
I enjoy reading your blog.
You, El Pirata and the "hearties" have a fun filled weekend in the sunshine.
Bob Allison
Have a great day Mrs Mac. Pass on my best wishes to all who are running. I look forward to reading all about it.
John K
meant to say..
I used to know a guy years ago nicknamed 'Doofer'... it just seemed to suit him.
I never thought about what the word meant but do now. Thanks for that.
Bob A
Look out for three from Milburn. I think they may be on a pub crawl along the 44 miles. I've warned them about saying Catrine is a dump and not to call the locals "Poofs", as the last guy who did ended up dead and the culprits in the High Court.
Warn the Pirate!
I'll be along at some time. I'll try and catch up but I'm in Embra in the morning unless iu can't be arsed!
Don't let me down. I require a cuddle.
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